Thursday, 29 January 2015

Why charity shops rock harder than the rock

Reasons why charity shops are the bestest 

Look at this outfit! And these jewellery pieces !

 2: this dress! It's an original Lindy bop I got it for £7 instead of £35...Winning!

3: you recycle and help the environment !
Give stuff on, buy stuff back at a fraction of the cost.

4: your wardrobe can look like this for cheaps!

5: they sell old stuff! You can use vintage shops (I do all the time) but sometimes if you're dedicated and diligent you can find shiz like this! Just look at him😍
He was £3 for god sakes!

6: They make your kids happy!

7: I just like them! I like that occasionally I'll fine a cape or a 1950s spoon that I have to have. Or books. They're full of stuff that has lived in someone else's life, they've been touched and worn and loved. And now I can love them! 
If you think you're too good to charity shop you're missing out! And being a donkey... Are you a donkey? Or are you a fricken bargain hunting, new wardrobe having beast!
You decide 😆

Christmassy Christmas

Allow me to share my amazing Christmas through the medium of photos!