Look at my happy little face, it's like that because I've stopped caring about what others think of me. Yep you heard right I don't care if people stare at me, or laugh at me or don't like the way I dress.
My body is mine, there Are 100s of things that make me Leanda my body is one.
I hate the media with a passion, it's all about body/woman/slut/clothes shaming and it's ridiculous it has to stop. So recently I decided that it stops with me.
I control how I feel and react no one else, I'm done letting others make me feel bad when I feel great.
I get it, I understand if you stand out you're an easy target for meanness. I've been guilty of sniggering behind my hand at what I'd class as a poor fashion choice (why not? people do it to me all the time) I'll tell you why not because it's douchy, by hurting others you don't make yourself feel any better at all. Next time you see someone wearing an item they "shouldn't" ask yourself why you care?Does their choice affect you. Short answer: it doesn't. So don't do it.
I've always believed but only recently put into practice the idea "no one can make you feel bad without your permission"
If people are mean it's because society and the media have made them that way, we are bombarded with image of "perfection" woman and men photo shopped and buffed and bronzed and plucked and quiffed within an inch of being human. Westernised ideals Are crazy and often unrealistic, and not something I want my babies growing up to aspire to.
There are better things you can be more worthwhile things than "pretty, acceptable, " how about generous? Or kind? Or clever!
Too fat, too thin.
Too old, too young.
Too tall, too short.
To black, too white.
To gay, too straight ".
Too too too too!
Who decides what you wear ?
Who decides how you feel?
Who gives you permission to like Yourself?
You do...
And you can be the change you want to see in others