Take a look at this
That's my face. We haven't always been friends if I'm honest, but today I realised something... that's my face and I quite like it!
I was having a think as you do about the "selfie culture" and if at 30 I was too old and too much of a mum to enjoy taking pictures of my face, it's vain as fuck for a start! Then I realised...hey! my face, I like that shit! Here's another
I realised in a society where we are conditioned to hate ourself as woman or let's face it "objects" it's not cool to admit you like taking photos of yourself
(disclaimer ) I also very much enjoy taking photos of my tea, my children and brooches.
It's ok, it's ok to like my face and photograph it. I've realised I don't need to apologise or feel bad. And that's actually bloody liberating! A woman who likes her face! What next ? She may even like her imperfect body! The very thought. Well ya got me I've also decided my body's not on the bad side either (here it is in a totally inappropriate dress)
That's right I'm a chubby 30 year old mum who gets drunk and takes photos of her self squeezed into stripywiggle dresses! And if you like that you should see what I get up to on a weekend
So in conclusion selfies are great! We should all take and share them and love them. Because at the end of the day that's what Instagram was made for! That, and the occasional meme 😉