Lookie what I have here for you my little lovers of all things vintage!
My first proper photo shoot, to capture a couple of my favourite dresss and introducing Borris! My foxy fur stole pal.

Well hello chums I must say my first photo shoot and I was le nervous! however I needn't have worried unduly!
My dear friend Mr Skinner who can be found here http://nickskinnerphotography.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/ginned-up.html made me feel very comfortable and even managed to get some decent shots of me and these truly beautiful dresses!
without too much of a hoo,ha.
they may have been a couple of out takes but you guys don't want to see them....well go on then just the one!
I would also like to take this opportunity to talk a little about feathers and fur.
Now I understand why they may not be for everybody, but I can't see anything wrong with salvaging a sad little fox brushing him up and wearing him.
Sadly not everyone is as happy about it as me (my husband being one of them)
he refuses to walk out with me wearing Boris!
I didn't kill the fox I don't buy new fur and fund fur factories same applies to my feather addiction and sheepskin hat.
I do however eat meat and wear leather
So I think its a wee bit hypocritical of people to get so angry about it.
I rarely get to wear him out because of peoples reactions but I won't give him up and he accompanies me to my dear friends houses occasionally and has a jolly outing!
This blue dress is a handmade house dress, I think from the 50s I found it in a charity shop *I know shocking me in a charity shop...how unlike me :)*
and couldn't resist!
here's a couple more one with my beautiful brolly!

So this is my feathery hat I'm very excited about having I of course got it from Elle at Al a mode
I can't get enough of that shop! It was a sad little wreck of a hat when I got it I took myself down to Heselden hats where the super Tereasa fixed it up for me
It's pheasant feathers and quite fabulous
I'm a little bit enthralled with it!

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