Monday 25 March 2013

Just call me Fanny Cradock

(Without the alcoholism and husband battery)
I was the picture of domesticity today! 
I always get excited after a big shop, The prospect of making something fresh and lovely.
  we popped into Macknades In town, it's a lovely farm shop it sells all sorts of rustic and local produce.
 I love a seasonal veg! and a big bunch of fragrant herbs. Also all their fruit is fresh and lovely.
I treated myself to a couple of bottles of root beer (its an American drink, tastes like mouthwash I love it!)
After hopping a few website for recipe ideas, when we got home I decided in the spirit of Mrs Cradock  I'd take a look on the BBC website.
  I found carrot and coriander soup good old BBC.

This was delicious! Om Nom Nom

I decided to make bread as well I can't give you the bread recipe I just make it by instinct. I can however give you tips, always use warm water and a good slug of olive oil
 (high quality) a teaspoon of sugar helps form a thicker crust, and you know its cooked when you can lift it up and tap the bottom to hear a hollow sound. Have a hunt and see what works for you .

Wednesday 20 March 2013

My first 1940s style turban

Isn't it perfectly charming darling!

In my opinion if you're having a bad hair day what better way to disguise it than with a turban! so easy to do.
I found a tutorial here and followed it, I chose to cover the back of my head with this particular turban and loop right round as my scarf was extra long.
It's so simple cheap and affective and did I say cheap? Being a frugal (funny word) kinda gal I appreciate anything that saves me a few pennies, and my husband does too ;)
  I do believe I have found a firm favourite,  for when I don't have the right colour hat! Or enough pennies to purchase one.

 Stunning examples, found here

Secure it with a natty little hat pin!

And a few bobby pins.

Give us a kiss then!

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Fabulous flowers workshop

 Well Hello Ladies!
 So flower arranging, something I've never ever tried before! "How did it go?" I hear you cry.
Well sit back and allow me to wax lyrical for five minuets on why flower arranging is one of my new "things"
(Darn you Julie for making it so interesting and floral like)
 I arrived at the Fleur De lis hall a quaint little snug, tucked out of site down a back ally. I arrived with cake, my trusty canon and no clue what to do!
After meeting all the other ladies having a cup of tea served in the prettiest vintage cups! (repeat to self DoNotPutUpJumperDoNotPutUpJumper) And grabbing a chair the workshop began.
Julie started by making a beautiful and effortless (for her) flower arrangement I got to see flowers I've never even herd of and was excited to be let loose on the goodie bag and vase left in my spot on the table!
I sat down next to a delightful woman named Liz who wasn't a novice like myself and gave me some interesting tips and advice.
Then I got stuck in! Julie came round and offered advice, tips and tricks and lots of help, the goodie bags where fantastic a pot, oasis (that green spongy when wet stuff you put the flowers in) cards a little handmade box of twine oooo it was too cute! 
and this was all intersperse with homemade cake and tea off of vintage crockery.
When finished she showed us another great way of arranging then one of the ladies won the arrangement and got to take it home! I very happily took my arrangement home and vowed to go to the next class she does! you can See a bit about Julie here and contact her on

Julie explaining  how she made this look easy!

Little hand made boxes filled with a twist of florist twine
Ta Daa! the finished article, which I am delighted with
Julies professionally and beautifully arranged arrangement

The one we all had a go at replicating

Sunday 17 March 2013

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? NO ITS A LAMA!...coat

Ok so you got me it's another jacket, In my defence it persuaded me with its foxyness.
My great grandmother has a full length grey one and I'm head over heels for it however she won't part  with it.
 No matter how much I cry/beg/threaten/cry
So when I came across this little beaut I almost peed myself!
Looking in the label I was so happy to see I was right it was a Lama coat just like Granny Carrys
safe to say I snapped it up it was in great condition just take a look at the pictures.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Kitty Foyle

One of my Favourite love storeys Kitty Foyle played by Ginger Rogers
Here are some stills from the movie, just look at the clothing!
Look at it, swoooooooon